Use Low Volume Vacuum Casting for Small Batch Production of Your Product Prototypes

If you’re developing a new product and need to produce prototypes for testing, you may be wondering what the best manufacturing process is. While there are many options available, low volume vacuum casting is a cost-effective and efficient solution for small batch production runs. In this article, M2 Prototype engineers will take a closer look at vacuum casting for low volume and how it can help you produce high-quality product prototypes with speed and accuracy.

Vacuum Casting Low Volume Production

Vacuum Casting Low Volume Production


What is Low Volume Vacuum Casting?

Low volume vacuum casting is a manufacturing process that uses silicone molds and polyurethane casting resin to produce small quantities of high-quality parts. The process involves creating a master pattern, which is used to create a silicone mold. Once the mold is complete, it is filled with polyurethane casting resin, which is cured to produce the final part. This process is often used for prototyping and low-volume production runs, as it allows for the creation of complex parts with a high degree of accuracy. Additionally, the use of silicone molds and polyurethane resin allows for the creation of parts with a range of properties, including varying levels of hardness, flexibility, and heat resistance.

Advantages of Vacuum Casting for Low Volume Production

There are several advantages to using low volume vacuum casting for small batch production of your product prototypes:

  • Cost-Effective: Low-volume vacuum casting is a cost-effective solution for small batch production runs. The process is relatively simple and requires minimal setup, which helps keep costs low.
  • Fast Turnaround Time: With low volume vacuum casting, you can produce high-quality parts quickly. The process typically takes a few days to complete, which allows for fast turnaround times.
  • High-Quality Parts: The use of silicone molds and polyurethane casting resin allows for the creation of high-quality parts with a high degree of accuracy. Additionally, the process allows for the creation of parts with a range of properties, including varying levels of hardness, flexibility, and heat resistance.
  • Versatility: vacuum casting for low volume can be used to create parts in a range of shapes and sizes. Additionally, the process can be used with a range of materials, including thermoplastics, thermosets, and elastomers.
  • Low Risk: Because small batch vacuum casting is a cost-effective solution, it allows for low-risk product development. This means that you can test your product without incurring high costs or investing in expensive tooling.

How Low Volume Vacuum Casting Works

Step 1: Create a Master Pattern

The first step in the process is to create a master pattern of the part you wish to produce. This can be done using a range of materials, including wood, plastic, or metal. The master pattern should be made to exacting specifications and should be as close to the final product as possible.

Step 2: Create a Silicone Mold

Once the master pattern is complete, a silicone mold is created using the master pattern as a template. The mold is made by pouring liquid silicone rubber around the master pattern and allowing it to cure. Once cured, the mold is removed from the master pattern.

Step 3: Prepare the Casting Resin

The next step is to prepare the casting resin. This is typically done by mixing two-part polyurethane resin together in a ratio specified by the manufacturer. PU applied in vacuum casting is a most widely choice.

Step 4: Pour the Casting Resin

The prepared casting resin is poured into the silicone mold. The mold is then placed in a vacuum chamber to remove any air bubbles from the resin. This ensures that the final part is free of defects and has a smooth surface finish.

Step 5: Cure the Casting Resin

Once the vacuuming is complete, the mold is removed from the vacuum chamber and left to cure. The curing time for the casting resin can vary depending on the type of resin and the size of the part being produced. Typically, the resin will be fully cured within a few hours to a few days.

Step 6: Remove the Part from the Mold

Once the resin has cured, the part is removed from the mold. The mold can be reused to produce additional parts as needed.

Step 7: Post-Processing

The final step in the process is post-processing. This may involve trimming excess material from the part, sanding the surface to achieve a smooth finish, or painting or coating the part to achieve the desired look and properties.

Tips for Successful Low Volume Vacuum Casting

If you’re considering low-volume vacuum casting for your product prototype production, there are a few tips to keep in mind:

Design for Manufacturability

Before starting the vacuum casting process, it is important to design the part for manufacturability. This means considering the limitations and capabilities of the process and designing the part to take advantage of its strengths. For example, designing for the ability to produce undercuts, thin walls, and intricate details can increase the quality of the final product.

Select the Right Material

Selecting the right material for the casting process is crucial to the success of the project. Consider the properties required for the part’s function and select a material with the necessary characteristics such as strength, flexibility, and heat resistance.

Meticulous Molding

Creating a high-quality mold is essential for a successful vacuum casting process. Take the time to ensure that the mold is created with precision and care, as any imperfections in the mold will translate to the final part.

Optimize the Casting Process

The casting process should be optimized for the specific requirements of the project. This includes selecting the right casting resin and curing agent, ensuring proper mixing ratios, and controlling the temperature and pressure during the casting process.

Post-Casting Finishing

After the casting process is complete, the part may require post-casting surface finishing such as sand blasting or painting. It is important to carefully plan and execute these finishing steps to ensure that the final part meets the required specifications.

Work with an Experienced Manufacturer

Working with an experienced manufacturer can help to ensure the success of the low volume vacuum casting process. They will have the expertise and equipment necessary to produce high-quality parts and can provide guidance on design, material selection, and other critical aspects of the process.


Low volume vacuum casting is a cost-effective and efficient solution for small batch production of product prototypes. The process allows for the creation of high-quality parts with a high degree of accuracy, and the use of silicone molds and polyurethane casting resin allows for the creation of parts with a range of properties. By following the tips outlined in this article and working with an experienced manufacturer, you can successfully produce high-quality product prototypes using the low volume vacuum casting process. However, vacuum casting prototype size limitations still exists.

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